Who we are

Since 1966 we dress Italians
The story begins in Fossalta di Piave, in the heart of the Italian north-east, and tells of Bruna Poles, a young twenty-year-old girl you undertake and creative who, returning from a work experience in Gallarate in a cotton mill, decides to give a turn to her life. Thanks to the loan received by a cousin just returned from America, he buys an old work machine and with courage and good will decides to try to produce knitwear. In a short time she needs help to meet the demands of customers (first only neighbors, then craft workshops that worked for the first textile industries), so it involves the two younger sisters, taking for himself the risk of work. Galeotto is the job that will make her meet her husband Franco Mazzonetto©, who will bring her home, with his truck, a knitting machine bought in Milan. It is an important moment: love and the will to create something good together, allows Bruna and Franco to start an adventurous journey, full of satisfaction but also of sacrifices. Thus was born in Musile di Piave Maglificio San Valentino and a long collaboration with the American market, for which they produce the first knitwear polo shirts with the neck dropped, similar to shirts.Bruna is dedicated to work, supported by the staff hired, while Franco deals with the commercial part, establishing lasting and profitable relationships with several foreign customers, helping to export the 'Made in Italy' promoted by the Maglificio. The company grew and moved to Fossalta di Piave in 1972, in a new, large, modern factory and with it increased employees and new customers are many.

Modern era
Mazzonetto Srl becomes a modern Italian company. The beating heart of the company consists of the creative department and samples, the offices and the company outlet is located in Fossalta di Piave (Venice). The story continues thanks to the new generation: Cristina and Valentino Mazzonetto©. The children followed in their parents' footsteps, making their passion and dedication to work their own. It was not a direct choice, but a natural passage of the witness who talks about their history and the territory in which they grew up.The passion for work breathed every day in the family, professional growth has matured thanks to the daily meeting with customers from different cultures, the collaboration with employees and the difficulties overcome.
Mazzonetto© is elegance, tradition, style, but also innovation and openness to change. The company wants to keep up with the times by proposing new designs, riding fashions and trends of the moment and offering contemporary sales methods. Hence the choice to create a new e-commerce designed to ensure a better shopping experience and customer support. To this, the company joins a store and outlet at the historic headquarters of Musile di Piave.Each sample designed and developed with employees is a challenge, a search for stimuli, materials, colors. Cristina and Valentino do not give up, do not stop dreaming... and the story continues.